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Posted on 5th June, 2020

                                    Its that time of year for Fledglings....


This is for GARDEN BIRDS (Blackbird, Robin, Starling, Bluetit etc)


Baby birds, known as fledglings, are in abundance during the spring and summer months, usually from the beginning of May.


Some birds, like pigeons, lay and hatch eggs all year round, although you won’t usually see much of the squabs as they stay in the nest until they can fly.


I’ve found a baby bird, it can’t fly what can we do?”


The simple answer for most of them is to leave it alone, unless the bird is in danger from a predator, (cat, fox or another bird) or it appears injured or sick, it should be left untouched.

Fledglings leave the nest, mainly voluntarily, but sometimes are given a helping parental hand. These birds should be fully feathered, although their tail feathers may not be as long as they are when fully adult, and they may look dull. You may see wisps of fluffy hair sticking up from them, indicating they are fledglings. However, sometimes they appear adult and you may be fooled into thinking you have an injured bird in the garden.


A lot of the time they leave several days earlier than they should, these inquisitive birds venture out on their own, and while they think they can fly, usually they don’t have the wing strength or practice to enable that. They merely hop from branch to branch, flapping their wings until they end up on the ground, and this is when you will normally see them.

It can take several days for them to get the strength in their wings to take flight on their own. During this time you will often see them hopping around the garden and calling for their parents, who will likely be watching and popping down to feed them. Fledglings should appear very excited when they approach, with mouths wide open and fluttering their wings.

This is when you need to pay attention. During the day the parent should visit regularly and feed their offspring, it may vary in frequency depending on species, but nevertheless they should be evident. During the night birds won’t feed, as they will look to roost. Please don’t remove these birds, if necessary lift them up to a higher safe place ie. a shed or garage roof, or into a tree nearby to where they have been present so that parents will still find them. Birds such as gulls will de-relate from their chicks if they are removed from their sight.


What to do...


If you see a fledgling, watch what it does...


Does the parent bird visit and feed?


Are they bright, mobile and acting normally?


Is there a way for them to get higher up? (If they are unable to do this themselves or directly, this could be done setting up an assault course type situation.. Like a chair to the fence, fence to the garage roof and roof to the house etc... or moving them swiftly and carefully to this situation yourself).


If you can answer yes to these, then you need do no more except watch them.

Usually these birds will be seen for a few days and then they will fledge fully, potentially returning to your garden if there is a food or shelter source.


Leave shallow bowls of water out for them to drink from in a high up places as well as on the ground, especially on hot days, all the birds will be thankful for this.


If there is a risk of the bird being predated, do actively place it out of harms way as previously discussed. If you can’t please contact us for advice before removing it from its environment, unless, of course the threat is imminent.


IF the bird is still present for longer than these guide times and it is making no attempts to fly and/or parental interest has reduced or dried up, advice should be sought on whether intervention is needed. After a few days without food or water these birds will quickly begin to fade and will need to go to a rescue for rehab.  


IF the bird is injured it needs veterinary attention as soon as possible, (we can recommend some wildlife friendly practices). We can take them on following treatment (SPACE PERMITTING), as often, medication maybe an ongoing and necessary part of that animals rehabilitation.


If there is anything you are unsure on or want to ask, please contact us.




Hedgehog Scribbles

Posted on 24th May, 2020

We were tagged on our Instagram page recently, by a fabulous artist, Carol Workman, she had drawn one of our pictures we had posted of a hedgehog we had been treating.This amazing sketch has really blown us away. Like what you see? you can see more of her work here. Thank you.